Short Courses

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SE 6313

Compulsory for MSc:



M 4000.00

Energy Economics and Project Finance

Students will be able to apply economic concepts in addressing issues related to energy markets and public policy. They will also be able to evaluate and implement appropriate financing mechanisms pertaining to energy projects.



Course Starts:


Major Assignment Deadline:


Major Assignment Deadline:


Outcomes | Hard(H) And Soft(S) Skills

  • H# 1: Analyse energy demand using economic concepts (Data Analysis, Modelling, Socio-Economic Dynamics)
  • H# 2: Determine suitable pricing and taxation methods under different types of energy markets (Socio-Economic Dynamics)
  • H# 3: Evaluate appropriate financing mechanisms for projects that promote energy access (Project Financing, Energy Access)
  • H# 4: Apply economic and financial structuring tools needed to ensure the financial viability of energy projects (Project Financing, Sustainable Energy Development, Grid and Off-Grid Systems, Data Analysis, Modelling)
  • H# 5: Assess risk, return and performance of sustainable energy projects (Project Financing, Sustainable Energy Development)
  • S# 1: Undertake independent study (Life-long Learning)
  • S# 2: Communicate how economic and financial concepts apply to energy markets and projects (Communication)
  • S# 3: Apply suitable financing and pricing strategies for energy access projects (Problem Solving, Creativity, Energy Access)
  • S# 4: Work together in small groups (Teamwork)
  • S# 5: Access learning material online (Digital Literacy)
  • S# 6: Produce a technical report (Writing Skills)