Short Courses

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SE 6307

Compulsory for MSc:



M 4000.00

Renewable Energy Grid Integration

The student will be able to model, simulate and optimize the integration of intermittent renewable energy generators and assess their impact on the electrical grid.



Course Starts:


Major Assignment Deadline:


Major Assignment Deadline:


Outcomes | Hard(H) And Soft(S) Skills

  • H# 1: Model the intermittent renewable energy generators (Modelling and Forecasting, Renewable Energy Principles, System Design, Grid Systems, Creativity, Energy Access)
  • H# 2: Simulate load flow of electrical systems on integration of renewable energy generators (Modelling, System Design, Grid Systems)
  • H# 3: Analyse the impact of renewable energy generators on the electrical grid (System Design, Data Analysis, Problem Solving, Grid Systems)
  • H# 4: Optimization of the grid integration of renewable energy generators (Grid Systems, System Design, Modelling)
  • S# 1: Undertake independent study (Life-long Learning)
  • S# 2: Communicate the impact of renewable energy generators on the electrical grid (Communication, Networking)
  • S# 3: Solve energy access problems/challenges for communities in specific locations (Problem Solving, Energy Access, Creativity)
  • S# 4: Work together in small groups (Teamwork)
  • S# 5: Access learning material online (Digital Literacy)
  • S# 6: Produce a technical report (Writing Skills)