Short Courses

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SE 7999

Compulsory for MSc:



M 36000.00

Sustainable Energy Dissertation

The student, under the guidance of a supervisor, will critically investigate a problem and implement a solution or make a recommendation through design, modeling or optimisation of processes or systems. The student could do this in the form of internship, joint collaborative research or student exchange.



Course Starts:

Major Assignment Deadline:


Major Assignment Deadline:


Outcomes | Hard(H) And Soft(S) Skills

  • H# 1: Carry out independent research that solves real-world sustainable energy problems (Majority of hard and soft compentencies)
  • H# 2: Fill the existing knowledge gap in the literature (Creativity, Problem Solving, Writing Skills)
  • H# 3: Make policy recommendations based on the findings of the research (Energy Planning)
  • S# 1: Undertake independent research study (Life-long Learning)
  • S# 2: Communicate the problem and the proposed solution in various forums (Communication)
  • S# 3: Maintain student-supervisor relationship in accordance with all the guiding regulations (Professionalism)
  • S# 4: Interact with relevant stakeholders to enhance the quality of research (Networking, Communication, Professionalism)
  • S# 5: Produce a technical report (dissertation, journal article, etc) (Communication, Writing Skills, Professionalism)