Short Courses

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SE 6314

Compulsory for MSc:



M 4000.00

Sustainable Energy Solutions for Communities

Students will be able to address gender and social dynamics of communities that have impact on energy access, and apply principles of sustainable development when formulating energy solutions for communities, taking into account climate change impact. They will also be able to assimilate the content learned from other (technical and socio-economic) courses when developing various optimal energy solutions for communities.



Course Starts:


Major Assignment Deadline:


Major Assignment Deadline:


Outcomes | Hard(H) And Soft(S) Skills

  • H# 1: Analyze the gender and social context of communities (Gender and Socio-Economic Dynamics, Data Analysis)
  • H# 2: Assess energy needs of identified communities (Energy Access, Gender and Socio-Economic Dynamics, Sustainable Energy Development)
  • H# 3: Develop socially relevant, innovative and user-sensitive energy solutions (Energy Access, Gender and Socio-Economic Dynamics, Sustainable Energy Development, Teamwork, Creativity)
  • H# 4: Design appropriate gender responsive sustainable energy solutions for communities (Energy Access, Gender and Socio-Economic Dynamics, Sustainable Energy Development, Creativity)
  • H# 5: Assess energy-water-food security nexus in the context of climate change (Energy Access, Gender and Socio-Economic Dynamics, Sustainable Energy Development)
  • H# 6: Apply the principles of sustainable development in undertaking energy projects in communities (Gender and Socio-economic dynamics, Data analysis)
  • H# 7: Design hybrid energy systems (solar, wind, hydro, bio) for specific geographic locations using computer simulation and optimization tools, HOMER (Modelling)
  • S# 1: Survey literature on sustainable energy for communities (Life-long Learning)
  • S# 2: Communicate effectively the designed solutions to the communities to solicit buy-in (Communication)
  • S# 3: Work cooperatively in a student-team to identify socially relevant energy solutions (Teamwork)
  • S# 4: Study sustainable energy material online (Digital Literacy)
  • S# 5: Prepare a term paper on appropriate sustainable energy solutions for communities (Writing Skills)