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Who We Are
NUL Energy Research Centre
The purpose of the NUL Energy Research Centre is to respond to the energy and climate change challenges facing Lesotho by developing and/or adapting knowledge and technologies that enable smooth transition to a sustainable energy system.
Furthermore, the ERC strives to develop human resource capacity in sustainable energy (through short courses and a master’s programme) and to perform relevant research that informs national energy policy for sustainable development.
ERC carries out all-inclusive low-carbon research work (solar, wind, hydro, bio-energy, etc.), social engineering (energy policy, economics, finance & project management, climate change & environment, etc.), capacity building (training) and outreach programmes.
Our Values
We constantly collaborate with national and international energy stakeholders to ensure that all our activities are market driven, practice oriented and influence energy access policies.
We promote excellence in all our activities.
We strive to do research that adds value and informs energy policies for sustainable development.We promote excellence in all our activities.